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Everything posted by iwuvt-ara

  1. LMAO you need to regenerate haha

  2. i guess lol haha

  3. LOL u r hyper!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh but you were lacking in speed with ur last comment :P

    Guess you lost ur ninja skills haha

  5. LOL what you mean? lalalalalalala~

    i always say thanks to ppl who visit but DONT SAY ANYTHING!!!

  6. Ara was not pretty in my opinion lol and the trailer said she was "the face" of the group lol

    Man now i have to wait to see May Doni get squished :'(

    They should have made pink dolls a 6 membered group instead of 4 imo (more deaths to see lol)

    Anyway thanks noona for informing me lol, i gtg now good night :D

  7. oh man :'( may doni is so pretty lol

    Wait who is the girl that got eye surgery?

    Last question and then i have to sleep :)

  8. which members die? did may doni die?

  9. was the ghost apart of that unknown girl group on the video tape?

  10. does eunjung live? and is there a ghost in the movie? who's ghost is it? lol im so curious because im confused lol

  11. spoilers never ruin it for me........ i always watch it even when i know what happens in a movie!!!!! please tell me!!!!!!!!!

  12. why was it scary? what happened? what made you want to barf?

  13. really? why? come on tell me some stuffs!!

  14. forget it, im dying....... anyway tell me about WHITE, what happens?

  15. omg my left eye is blurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. i dont feel so good, i hate when my throat hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. its so funny...... narsha noona never fails to make me laugh......

  18. ugh ok............ lol im watching heroes

  19. but its like burning this week, the weather is really bad.........

  20. NOONA!!!!!! im getting sick :'(

    I have a bad headache, my throat hurts and aches, im cold, and my whole body is sore......

  21. i commented and like a second later u replied lol

  22. YEP! i catch everyone :P lol

  23. damn your fast, i could have sworn i sent that to you like 3 seconds ago......

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