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About dil__

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  1. oh no they're all getting married wahhhhh LOL jokes good luck to them!
  2. ever heard of making your own song? i don't get why groups have to leech off other singers
  3. c-pop???????? obviously kpop > cpop by a mile hahaahah t-ara fightinggggg
  4. wow she can pull off leopard prints... something i can never ever do wahhhhhh haahaa
  5. i think this claim is plain rubbish. eunjung seems like she gets along well with the other members
  6. who cares if she's had plastic surgery. she still looks beautiful before and after
  7. poor girls. but very professional! thank god they pulled it off somehow. i would've freaked haha
  8. they are both so pretty. and they kinda look similar.. but more so when jiyeon first debuted.
  9. what a beast man. core contents media fighting!! hope you continue to do well with future groups!!
  10. this is bulls**t. jiyeon has an important role in t-ara sure she's had a few controversies but that's only coz she's a popular girl
  11. korean language is really complicated. i wish they would've just followed the english language form of speaking
  12. hyomin...... such a beautiful girl. i really like her in the first pic
  13. what.. a cutie. she is so pretty and natural looking jealoussssss
  14. eyeliner is better for the dance performances but she looks good either way *sigh*
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