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About lovcom00

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  1. happy about it, but with we got married and japan promotions (from what I know they're gonna be soon) hope she will not be too tired!! fightin!!!
  2. omo!!! I didn't expected this (and she's not denying it either) our Qri!!!
  3. LOL I can't believe this sure I can't see her as a runaway, at all, immediately going to find her brother!!
  4. I'm really anticipating this new couple, at first I hoped it will be with another idol singer, but now.. maybe this change will make things aven more interesting!!
  5. I was sad reading this too sure I can understand how they're feeling, but 5dolls shoud be more confident!! hope to see they're Co-Ed comeback soon
  6. personally, I just CAN'T WAIT!! LOL hope they're gonna be on the next epi already!!! I've always been a fan of the show (since adam) and I just can't describe how much I'm happy about an Eunjung virtual marriage
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