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Yul Shim

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About Yul Shim

  • Birthday 05/11/1993

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Helping others out when needed, dancing, playing french horn, anime, manga, cute things like panda bears, etc. Asian dramas, culture, learning new languages, meeting new people, and being enthusiastic & optimistic! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ
  • Favorite Member

Yul Shim's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. G'morning/afternoon/evening/nite/early morning! ~~~(^∇^)ー♪ (^-^*)/( ゚▽゚)/(・ェ・)(・ェ-)(-ェ・)(-ェ-)。o○Zzz… \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/

  2. Guess who's back? x)

  3. happy happy birthday to you!!!! :D

  4. happy birthday!!

  5. hi there

    happy birthday...

    stay healthy,stay happy!


  6. Happy Birthday! Best of Wishes! Stay strong, healthy, & positive! ^^

  7. Happy Birthday! Best of Wishes! Stay strong, healthy, & positive! ^^

  8. Happy Birthday! Best of Wishes! Stay strong, healthy, & positive! ^^

  9. Happy Birthday noona! Best of Wishes! Stay strong, healthy, & positive! ^^

  10. Happy Birthday! Best of Wishes! Stay strong, healthy, & positive! ^^

  11. Happy Birthday! Best of Wishes! Stay strong, healthy, & positive! ^^

  12. You're welcome! ^^ D: Is there anything else you go on?

  13. thanks for the birthday wish :D

    really appreciate!

    sorry for the late reply, i rarely online here :P

  14. Hi yom! Welcome to Diadem Forums! Read the rules and hope ya enjoy! Bye yom! ^^

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