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Status Updates posted by Elly

  1. Everytime this chick talks it just sounds like Storytime with Grandma

  2. Evita songs stuck in my head. Nbd.

  3. Exhausted like no other, it's incredible. I hate being outside for the whole day.

  4. F3rst day of school tomorrow lawl

  5. Fashion week season and I’m crying a little I won’t be here during Toronto’s :(

  6. Feelin’ like Iggy Azalea with all my struggles atm. There is always a silver lining.

  7. Feeling a little under the weather today.

  8. Feels different, this thing...

  9. Fendi slayed today goddamn

  10. Filipino colleges call Architecture programs Landscape Science? Say w0t

  11. Filipino traffic ain’t for the faint of heart.

  12. Finally finished that interview. MYGOSH.

  13. Finally here! (@ Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) w/ 54 others) http://t.co/GuehOgY6Uy

  14. Finally home. That weather was unbelievable.

  15. Finally. Black bed sheets have happened and I'm just so happy ATM. I think I'll look for a comforter on Friday to "match" the black :)

  16. Finally. RT @humbercollege: Good news...SRS now supports recent versions of Google Chrome to go along with IE and Firefox.

  17. Finally. T-araholic is coming to iOS.

  18. Fire drill... at 7 degrees c....

  19. First day of college finished.

  20. First day of school tomorrow and we end at 6:00. @LeoArmenta Humber be abusin' already.

  21. Fixing my closet and realized I own AT LEAST 20 different types of scarves... Clearly there's a problem ㅠㅠ http://t.co/S5Ddtd0c

  22. FML. Apple Store at Square One is hiring. I want to apply. But school's got me raped in the ass with work.

  23. Food trucks ain't my thing, nor is food blogging; except this one. #Beavertails #vsco #vscocam #foodhttps://t.co/7liKlNSPMU

  24. For reals now. 2 hours sleep. ㅠㅠ

  25. Forced to learn Lightroom because Photoshop got stupidly deleted. My life ATM.

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