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Status Updates posted by 8tails

  1. WHAT THE xxxx! 3-0!? NO WAY!

  2. hiaz... i'm missing the Wanton Noodle already...

  3. now I need May 7th kakis...

  4. if you have the time tomorrow, you should drop by Serangoon Stadium. i can swear nothing can compare to what you see in other oppo rallies!

  5. game 2... lost...

  6. tomorrow is cooling off day, remember, don't get yourself agitated okay?

  7. RT @mrbrown: The 242 who spoiled their votes in Potong Pasir, better don't tell anyone it was you. #sgelections

  8. after 9days of bo zeng hu, lets' put aside of our difference and and transformed Singapore in to a better country, hand in hand! =)

  9. Hougang is the only place where people will shout "Workers' Party!" through their HDB window when YSL come and thank us! =) #sgelections

  10. i feel so sleepy all of the sudden...

  11. RT @mrbrown Hardcore Chiam supporters. Never seen Singaporeans this passionate before. http://yfrog.com/0sq4pz Uploaded by @ulricalzr

  12. my MP shook my hands at 2300, 322 Coffeeshop! how COOL is that! #wpsg =D

  13. hey, can i ask! will Mr George Yeo gets his pensions after stepping down from politics? #sgelections

  14. since everything is over, I would say take this as a "celebrity interview"~ http://goo.gl/4xJsE

  15. i need to be in good mood more often, as it will resulted in a more positive behaviour. research shows...

  16. after so much hate and anti government sentiment, PAP might be the BIGGEST winner in GE2011, not the WP! http://goo.gl/iiKZR #sgelections

  17. RAIN HARDER! Cool this overheating country!

  18. read the part where the WPs attend funeral wakes in Hougang SMC. This is why they are still going strong after 20 years! http://goo.gl/XYPvv

  19. i need to be shot in the head... i'm getting distracted!

  20. PSN is back ONLINE!

  21. going ki siao liao~ study until emo... smlj... -.-

  22. wishing myself all the best! Go go go! =D

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