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Status Updates posted by 8tails

  1. Kana LP, LP, ->, LK & HP by my Social Psyc paper... -.-

  2. wao... i dreamt of Germany last night... man I really miss that place. anyway, who I shared those strawberries with? =x

  3. Oh yes... this is SO true! I got flamed too when I try to make sense with the pro opposition fans in Yahoo! -.- http://goo.gl/DJpjL

  4. now everybody is praising PM Lee (read the comments)... -.- http://goo.gl/hYhcL

  5. is listed in IDA webby liao~ can anticipate liao!

  6. if I manage to get my Bachelor Degree in Sociology, am I a Sociologist? =x

  7. realised that I've not been stepping out of the house since yesterday! I'm so gonna rot!

  8. hey, anybody knows the name of a US community that isolates themselves for the world, that is due to their old age religion?

  9. my last paper, going to write like there is no tomorrow~ =D

  10. i'm going to sleep early! MW3 trailer will be unveiled TOMORROW MORNING! =D

  11. a beautiful bunch o'ripe bananas! =D

  12. v-power... shiok...

  13. wao~ Hougang Central has the cheapest chicken rice! Polled by CASE recently!

  14. RT @fumiforthought the directory for Singtel's SGS II site is up, but still locked from public. XD http://t.co/23xnl5V

  15. RT @stcom Nong Shim, Nissin instant noodles safe to eat: AVA http://t.co/4LlWBHU

  16. mum banned me from eating Chicken Rice... T.T

  17. RT @stcom Rapist, 53, dies while raping woman, 77 http://t.co/DfV51Hv

  18. yesterday chicken rice, now instant noodle... SIAO LIAO LAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  19. RT @stcom Two held over plot to murder soul star Joss Stone http://t.co/XMpfKsO

  20. Home Hubbing Pack Express or MaxInfinity Premium Home Hubbing Pack? =/

  21. I want to, desperately wants to!

  22. yeah... i'm really lucky and fortunate! =)

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