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Status Updates posted by 8tails

  1. I feel good whenever I changeed my phone's wallpaper and locked screen! :D

  2. my FB is c r a w l i n g . . .

  3. I think, we might go in to recession very soon~ =x

  4. Now, all we left is the Prime, to lift us to the next level of smart phone!

  5. wah lao~ totally don't know how to use CSS sia... -.-

  6. Wahhh sad sia... I'm no Apple fanboy, but I love how he revolutionised technology... RIP to one of the greatedt man of our time... :((

  7. feel like eating PIZZA!!!

  8. roly-poly play count: 256!


  9. I still do not understand why Singaporeans hate LKY so much...

  10. Bak Kut Teh + cold weather = EPIC!!! :)

  11. Hougang is so hazy all of the sudden! =/

  12. Charmanders are red, Squirtles are blue, if you are a Pokemon, I CHOOSE YOU! =)

  13. itchy itchy sia... can't wait for MW3... =(

  14. gonna wake up tomorrow for McDonald's Breakfast! =D

  15. bills bills bills... =((

  16. Cold night FTW! GOOD NIGHT! :)

  17. www.youtube.com.sg! Try it! :)


  19. WP webby is mobile friendly! :) and I like LTK's speech!

  20. whenever I play MvsC3, and the arena is in Kettlelox Island, I felt really sad... Bring back Megaman Legend please! =((

  21. Finally! Defeat Galactus with Zero, Ryu and X-23! XD

  22. Pre-ordered my MW3! =D

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