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Status Updates posted by t-aranwaterjewel

  1. ohh ok. hmm just online and listening to music pretty much. You?

  2. lol :D

    So is there anything new with you? Anything new happened?

  3. me neither...

    It's so boring when it's summer vacation, that's what I don't like about it XP

    Your on summer vacation now too right?

  4. That's good then ^^

    At least no more school right? :)

  5. whoa really

    lol 2AM & 2PM

    I can't stay up that late now cause of this curfew I have now cuz of my older brother. X{

  6. nothing it's just my older told me to be in bed by 10:30 since I'm at home the whole day anyways and I have to listen to him since he is older then me and yea.

  7. it's cuz it's summer and he doesn't want me up all the time and on the computer the whole time too. or maybe it's cuz he doesn't want me to go out. lol it's okay though. I understand why. kinda. ^^"

  8. oh I might take a while to reply after this k.

    I gotta go do something but I'll be back ^^

    TTYL K

  9. ohh really

    that's good then ^^

  10. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  11. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  12. Welcome to Tiara Diadem~!

  13. oh aw I see.

    I heard of that place before ^^

    but if we do go there I think we will go to Manila cause that's were some of my other family members live :)

  14. Hi~!

    I'm doing fine.

    How about you?

  15. lol sorry it's cuz I replied so late X{

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