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Posts posted by anneybabyboo

  1. Poor Hyomin </3 It breaks ky heart when I have to hear news like this about her. I get that she can be a bit quirky at times, but isn't that what makes her the Hyomin we love. And in addition, if it was to both their consent that she could speak that way to Seungri then Hyomin shouldn't be getting bashed on at all. I understand Koreans are very strict on formalities and all but for the sake of the two the two out aside the formalities in order to give us all a good laugh - and in my opinion, Hyomin's race was the most entertaining of them all.

    Hyomin! Stay strong! We will always be here to look out for you <3

  2. I've watched the cover...and I know I'm pretty biased when I say this, but I do enjoy T-ara's version much better. (Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there are 7 lovely T-ara girls versus one woman who - no offense to her - looks kind of middle age. Plus, T-ara's vocals are so much better. Still, on the bright side, at least she had permission to do this song. It sucks that T-ara wasn't credited, but lets just think of the many groups going under plagiarism controversies right now *sigh*

  3. That is plain outrageous! Netizens really need to stop all their hating and find better use of their time.

    I mean, honestly, how in the world has Jiyeon hindered the group? If anything, she's helped bring the group up what with everything she balances on her plate - singing, acting, variety shows, etc.

    I don't disagree that Eunjung has been helping the group soar, but to say Jiyeon brings the group down *shakes head* I do not accept that.

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