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Status Updates posted by djsammy

  1. ah yes it just started to snow today. we're getting about 3 inches, i can finally go play in it haha. so it's rainy season where you are, make sure to stay safe. even though you live in a hilly area i still can't help but to worry for you~

    3rd cry cry mv for me was also...yeah, i thought only i felt that way lol. i still like the first one better.

  2. i just watched the performance with white outfits and i think those are the best too. it looked really good on them. i think their first stage had the most revealing outfits but it was still good.

  3. yup, t-ara is always improving themselves. they'll always be number one for me heh. people keep saying their outfits are too provocative though, i don't think it's that bad, do you?

    yeah i like to listen to even the little details, and try to piece things together. thanks for showing so much interest, i'll do my best in school.

  4. hehe thanks, and yeah i'm a good listener.

    i don't know, Jiyeon's hair in that comeback performance reminds me of my cousin who had that hair and it was just...no, haha. i watched their stage on Music Bank though, they're getting better and better every time.

  5. no i think i'm going into psychological therapy. i actually find listening to other people's problems interesting...kind of weird right? haha but thanks for the cheer!

    and i just watched the comeback. i wanted to stay up and watch it but...too tired lol. loved the comeback but i wish Jiyeon had her other hair.

  6. now you're starting to sound like an old person, reminiscing on the good old days....haha just kidding. but i might start studying in January, it's still not confirmed but most likely.

  7. oh yes i know what you mean. there are those certain groups i follow then there are the other ones that i only listen to their songs.

    but yes, please cheer for me! haha

  8. haha you're not old yet, once you reach 30 then you're considered an oldie. you still got a good seven years lol.

    my siblings are like that too, i think all siblings are like that lol. the first time i told my parents i wanted to go to t-ara's concert they just stared at me for the longest time then said no. oh well, i'll try again later.

  9. that's nice then, most of my friends don't know what kpop is but sometimes i'll listen to it and they'll ask me what song it is lol. but yeah are you going to the 2pm show then?

  10. and lol, you don't remember the sweetest gift you received? haha you're so funny.

  11. you're so lucky! no one ever comes to Minnesota. it's always on the west or east coast of the USA. the only kpop concert i've been to was in Oregon for the wondergirls. but yeah i don't know if i'm going to the t-ara concert yet, still have to convince my parents.

  12. have only a few lines

  13. yeah their first album was good. i received it as a gift and for all their other songs i also downloaded them lol. i want to meet them too...but i probably won't get to lol. i heard they were having a concert in California sometime in January, i should book a flight there this minute! haha but yeah in most of their songs soyeon, eunjung, and hyomin get the most parts then the others hav...

  14. haha yeah i was thinking the same thing of waiting to buy the repackage album also. the only other album i have from them is their first one. and i noticed that the other members had very little lines too. i wish they had more parts so i can hear their voices too.

  15. hehe thanks, i'll get something soon hopefully.

    and t-ara's new mini album is great! i listened to it and i'm reminded of why i love them. wah~ i love soyeon's voice so much!

  16. oh accounting clerk, it sounds like a good relaxing desk job. as for me it's still uncertain. i have a friend that works as a bartender in a night club and she's trying to get me in as a server.

    and i did watch the cry cry mv, did you? i'm waiting for part two to watch qri and eunjung. but i'm guessing there will be two versions of cry cry, ballad and dance? kind of like l...

  17. that's cute haha. well keep making them you'll be there soon hopefully.

    oh you got a job? what is it, if you don't mind telling me.

  18. happy birthday! i might be a little late but it says its still your birthday here hehe. hope it was a good one.

  19. yeah we carved a lot of pumpkins which was fun.

    the cranes must have been very pretty for your cousin to take them hehe. but yeah you made about a hundred? i was thinking about making them too cause i thought it would be fun. but i don't know what to wish for either haha.

  20. couldn't pm you, updated Some Like It Hot with Eunso couple

  21. oh i went to see my grandma too! and your making the thousand cranes like in my 'wish' fic? your really going to try it? how many have you made so far? what are you going to wish for or is it a secret? sorry, so many questions hehe.

    but anyway, this week i went to visit my grandma and celebrated my nephew's birthday. we also had a halloween party if you know what that is.

  22. yeah i don't think you can look at a solar eclipse directly. i'll have to wear a wielding mask before i look at it lol. that might work? but yeah did anything else exciting happen with you this week?

  23. oh i see, that's weird how it can only be seen in certain places. i've never seen a solar eclipse though.

  24. oh that's interesting. i always thought they were common everywhere. do you also see lunar eclipses over there too then? those are also kind of interesting, i saw one a couple of months back and the moon turned blood red.

  25. yeah lunar halos are pretty common around here. every couple of nights it comes out. first time i saw one is when i was five years old, it was really pretty. you don't see them much where you are?

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