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Status Updates posted by Artica

  1. whoa!!! NAKANO! i've nevnown you were in this forum too :D and yes it's Arthur ^_^what a coincidence eh!

  2. i''m still confused on who this is @_@

  3. really? :\ i don't remember. but ^_^ hey nice meeting you here ^_^ i really like your name XD

  4. HAha, in real life?!?!

  5. i'm stalking you

    but anyways~~

    "My name is David, a 19 y/o college student from the states.

    I joined a few days ago when a dear friend of mine urged me into it haha

    I knew Diadem existed since back in the days where I worked for Soshified and I knew a couple members from ssf were also diadem members!"

    tae-vid, david?

    anyways, it...

  6. Lol, yeah~ long time no see/talk. Looking good in that purple :D i used to be a Timer here on T-Diadem. but i have school and emotional problems. so yup~ i came back and probably since i have time now, i'll probably be working as a Timer, and or something better or worse. I don't know, depends on Elly :D

  7. lol, after all these years~ you guys are still looking for subbers?

  8. hey long time no talk, i've read and read my comments on my profile, but i still don't remember you

  9. haha, that's cool, i don't go on ssf that much anymore. too many little kids, or immature people there. i don't like that feeling anymore. i miss them 2008-09 days of SSF. where there was no one on sbox mwahahaha lol. but yeah~ it's great to see you again.

  10. hahaha yeah, weird though, people from 2008 got washed out by peeps from 2009, then 2009 by 2010 and now 2010 by 2011, ssf is soooooo shoutbox lame lol, but anyways, yeah, i applied for Timer on this Forum, hopefully Elly recognizes me lol, but if i don't get it, then oh well.

  11. yeah thanks man~~~ anyways~ you seem quite busy! lol i'll leave you alone now.


  13. Ch. 2,5


    and about Hyomin, yes, she will be in the fanfic, but as for i know, she won't be in it soon. so please be patient and she'll pop up in in a chapter XD Thanks for your support.

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