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Posts posted by seili

  1. Hi! I've been getting ready to donate for the birthday projects, but I noticed on the donate page that we were just short of this months forum donation goals by $1.40! So, I thought I'd just top it off only to find that my $1.40 donation only contributed $1.06 because of those evil Paypal fees! <3

    I know most people will just donate what they can regardless of what is needed/left towards the goals for the forums, and that it might be further complicated by the different currencies that people must have as their main currency. Still, I was thinking it would be nice if there was some way you could help us know how much of our donation will make it to Diadem.

    Are the Paypal fees just a fixed %?

    Is it a tiered % like the US income tax system?

    Is it a flat-fee plus a %?

    It would just be nice to know so that if we can we could adjust our donation a little to make sure we meet all of our goals~^^ For example, now I know I should have just made my donation an even $2.00. Stupid Paypal. <3

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