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Posts posted by youngheartsparkfire

  1. lol I forgot this thread existed. anyway,

    I don't think that I'm Okay is underrated, more like...unheard of?

    good point there, I'll have to take back my choice of I'm Okay. I guess a more apt choice for an underrated song would be one that's pretty much well known / has been heard by people, but left largely forgotten, ignored or vilified.

    and then that's a good case for Yayaya right there, because I personally feel it's a really catchy song despite all the...racial insensitivity. it gets a lot of flak though, and I can see where the haters are coming from - when they go "UUUU EEEEE!" it's bloody embarassing >.< still, I like it, and we have to remember that Yayaya DID net them some wins :lol:

    Underappreciated though, I'd have to go with Bye Bye. It's one of my favorite songs from them.. I really like how the beat changes from a 1 1 1 tempo to a 1 2 1 2 tempo, and then back to a 1 1 1 1.

    have to agree with you like crazy here ^^

    wait, that means both my choices weren't underrated, but underappreciated....heck ^_^

  2. Appearance: 1. Qri 2. Jiyeon 3. Eunjung 4. Boram 5. Hyomin 6. Soyeon 7. Hwayoung

    Vocals: 1. Soyeon 2. Eunjung 3. Jiyeon 4. Hyomin 5. Boram 6. Qri 7. Hwayoung

    Acting: 1. Eunjung 2. Jiyeon 3. Hyomin 4. Boram 5. Qri 6. Soyeon 7. Hwayoung

    Charm: 1. Boram 2. Eunjung 3. Qri 4. Hyomin 5. Hwayoung 6. Jiyeon 7. Soyeon

    Dancing: 1. Eunjung 2. Hyomin 3. Qri 4. Jiyeon 5. Soyeon 6. Hwayoung 7. Boram

    Cuteness: 1. Boram 2. Eunjung 3. Jiyeon 4. Qri 5. Hyomin 6. Hwayoung 7. Soyeon

    General (bias): 1. EUNJUNG EUNJUNG EUNJUNG 2. Jiyeon 3. Boram 4. Qri 5(TIED). Hyomin Soyeon Hwayoung

    No matter my biases, Qri's the prettiest HANDS DOWN NO ARGUMENT LALALA.

    I don't exactly know how to define 'charm' but I guess for me it's how much the personality appeals to me? Boram seems like someone I'd love to know :ph34r:

    Eunjung's dancing is hot, Eunjung's acting is wicked, Eunjung's voice is awesome, Eunjung is ridiculously cute when she wants to be, Eunjung seems super nice, and Eunjung is major, major sexy.


  3. I thought the instrumental break in Ma Boo was kinda weird eh! Like, it's not as bad as say, being in a totally different key, but to me it somehow didn't flow with the rest of the song :/ so I prefer TTL cuz it's more cohesive! :)

  4. Almost all T-ara songs are awesome, but some songs just don't seem to get much attention. For me, both "Bye Bye" from Breaking Heart and "I'm Okay" from Temptastic are really good and criminally underrated.

    "I'm Okay" especially gets me - the soft vocal harmonies in the first verse and choruses, added with the slightly Christmas-sy feel of the chiming bells makes it TOTALLY FRIGGING AWESOME. Kinda beats "welcome to your wonderland everyday I knock knock knock"... :D

    "Bye Bye"'s pre-chorus with the echoed "ma ma ma" or "na na na" in the background elevates it to amazingness too!

    Anyway, which are your favourite underrated songs? And why? :P

  5. T-ara isn't to blame, they didn't do anything wrong and it's not racist, but if you don't understand why it could be offensive, then take the time to learn about the Native American culture so that you can give an informed answer in a discussion like this. To many people aren't willing to learn about why someone could be hurt by something, it's not 'politically correct' it's just being educated and courteous.

    Thanks for providing a voice of reason :)

    In my opinion, the video is more insensitive than racist - I think the difference is that rather than promoting a negative/hateful view of the Native Americans (= racist), it uses old stereotypes about the people without considering the underlying meaning behind those stereotypes. Probably unknowingly. Still bad though. I wish CCM/whoever who ultimately decided on the concept had thought through it more.

    More worryingly, there's a dude up there saying "barbaric tribes" - WTF?!?!?!? I think that crosses the line. And anybody who thinks the Yayaya concept isn't a specific reference to Native American culture (or their perceived culture), please please please please stop kidding yourselves.

    Anyway about the video - it's cute, it's memorable, unfortunately it's a little tactless.

    By the way, anybody seen MC Mong's "Indian Boy"? Now THAT's screwed.

  6. I like Like The First Time! It's got this combination of sexy and sweet that I find totally killer :)

    I remember reading on some Youtube remix video (I'm scared to put the link, not really sure about rules haha) that the Like The First Time video sorta summed up the difference in female sexuality in Korean pop culture and the Western concepts - you'd watch a Beyonce/Britney Spears vid and get wild fantasies in your mind, but with *most* Korean concepts, it's different.

    Just as with Like The First Time - all I feel like doing after the video is hugging them / marrying them / buying them boatloads of roses :)

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