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Status Updates posted by crewz

  1. too many monosodium glutamate,having a headache..(-.-)

  2. 1 days remaining!!!Roly poly~~

  3. Once u failed,doesnt mean u stupid..u actually can be genius by learning from ur mistakes. http://tag.me/j26AHB

  4. OMG!!!I love #Roly Poly song and dance!!!!!

  5. stakat tok,blom blackout gk.harap2,x jadilah.huhu

  6. pgi yg cerah utk jiwa yg sepi~~

  7. ptg yg boring~~~

  8. Fizik!!!knk kwu x kamceng ngan aq???

  9. Question:X angol ka takorg mun takorg pun bf or gf always pdh takorg "miss u" stiap msa walaupun takorg slalu msj dgn nya n jarak x jaoh?

  10. #nowplaying 4minute-Heart to Heart
  11. #nowplaying 4minute-IMMM(japanese version)
  12. I just added my Yahoo Messenger account into @digsby! http://bit.ly/r2d24u

  13. #khairulfahmi Youre awesome,dude!!!Inilah keeper Malaysia yg aq banggakan!!!
  14. 2주년 축하합니다! 해외팬들이 준비했던 메세지 봐주세요!: http://t.co/Dt7WK45 #2yearsoftiara @RHY422@Boram86322@sohotmelody@QriPretty@b89530@pjy1234@taraeunjung1212

  15. Blt!!No way for the gotong royong disturb my holiday!!

  16. This evening activities were sucks and i plan to ecsape.wee~~~

  17. #nowplaying Sudirman-Balik Kampung
  18. rumahku sukmaku!!!

  19. WTH are you??U think u good enough so u can beat me lah??Sorylah dude,kwu kalah klak..

  20. On9 pkey hp jak.hu3

  21. Ionisation energy...-..-

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