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Status Updates posted by dora2

  1. I'm tired of waiting... geez.!

  2. promises.....

    1. dora2


      are not supposed to be broken... =p

  3. Gonna miss the ss3.. haish.. \_(*-*)_/

  4. pheww! Epic fail!!! I'll be back for sure...

  5. roly poly mode.... ^_____^

  6. is counting the days again.. sighed!

  7. well, if she's happy, ill be happier too.. tralalala....

  8. hey, I forgot sumthg.. thanx for adding me as ur friend and for be d first to commenting on my page.. =)

  9. hi! nice meeting u too! hm, yeah, sure..I've seen u hang out there quite often..hehe..

  10. Farah, nice meeting u...are u fan of sungmin too?

  11. glad to know that!well, i visit the section most of the time.. i enjoy reading fanfics a lot..

  12. yeah..agree! =) it feels like watching them acting in all the stories. its okay, if u have plenty of time and have a great story, just make one. =)

    I thought about writing one..but, it seems that I felt lazy to do it..haha..

  13. yeah..see ya! =)

  14. Hi! just walking around.. =)

    Seriously, I was like studying the whole chapters yesterday, as if, I'm gonna sit for the exam this morning! Nice job! I like it a lot..keep it up ok..

  15. thanx, for adding me! =)

    have a prosperous rabbit year!

  16. Hi! u like soyeon-seungho too? yeah, they looked sweet together..

    I knew Junyeon.. well.. =)

    but, never saw any Euntaec, since I haven't watched Dream High yet..hehe

  17. Yeah, I saw dat on t-ara dot com too.. yup! it was cute!

    really.. i must find one.. hahaha...

  18. Hi! Nice to meet you.. remember me? from the fanfic? =)

  19. hi! thanx for d add...

    nice meeting u!

    and yeah, seriously, the junction is..


    keep up a great work! =)

  20. ur most welcome..

    haha..well, i hope you really dont mind for that.. do you, by chance, have planning to write another fic?

  21. really? whoa, that'll be great.. I am definitely gonna looking forward for that..

    yeah, fighting! =)

  22. I did? LOL.. glad to hear dat.. in fact, I really like the fic very much.. nice one! owh, you have the same birthday as my brother, it's just he was born in '95.

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