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Status Updates posted by dora2

  1. yeah! its nice.. ! i hope they will win soon..

    anyway, how's life there? pretty good eh?

  2. id like to say that she looks cute with that hair.. hehe.. but they say, its merely a wig.

  3. owh, interesting!! no.. i used to think that dealing with physiological stuff is way too cool.. wow, you must be a great listener then.. hehe..

    you are most welcome.

    yeah, its nice! never mind, there is always some other time..

  4. ikr.. couldnt agree more.. =)

    too bad, last time, its kinda lag, ill try again later on..

  5. haha, i told you rite..

    that's good! study smart and work hard for it ok.. so, its nursing then?

    hm, i havent prepare the proposal yet as i was preoccupied with something else.. sighed..

    owh, i will... go, go! =)

    yup, preferences in action.. hehe..

    well, im waiting patiently for the comeback this evening.. cant wait, seriously..

  6. owh, you will be celebrating christmas in snow then.. cool! my cousins when there last year after christmas, they say, it was really cool at that time..

  7. hi there! its been awhile!

    how are u?

  8. rite, couldnt agree more.. haha.. probably, since i work with the elders then i felt old too.. lol.. hm, i used to miss my good old days while studying last time, even it was terrifically hectic..those days were great, hehe..

  9. nope, im not a hottest.. lol.. i only like SJ and T-ara.. being super bias most of the time..lol..still, i enjoy songs from the others too.

    i see.. owh, u should promote any great songs then.. haha..

    yeah, parents.. never mind, u should try again later..(cheering for u, fighting!)

    exactly, its siblings anyway.. haha..

  10. these recent years, many kpop groups performed and will be performed here, the most upcoming show will be 2pm if im not mistaken. kpop is becoming a trend here. even, some of my friends gathered at the Korea Cultural building for idk-activities..

  11. im getting old, i guess.. lol..

    i went there secretly, but i guess my parent knew about it as my siblings love to spill the beans.. at that time, im not living with my family, or else, its forbidden.. lol

  12. wow, a gift! how, sweet..! hm, the sweetest gift that i ever get.. hm, i cant remember.. lol..

  13. ikr... they, seriously.. have few lines, especially Qri. yeah, somewhere in January.. for real? thats awesome! i wonder, if they will be coming here, hm..ill come for sure. i did the same when Super Junior had their 2nd super show last time.. hehe..

  14. hehe.... ok! have a good day, and see you around..

    take care! =)

  15. ouch, i miss your birthday... sorry, sweetie.. its unfair, since u did, wish for me last time.. even, i was late, hm....

    happy belated birthday, may god bless and all your dreams come true! live happily... =)

  16. owh, that's cool. their first album sounds good too. I havent had their album, all were downloaded.. LOL.. i surely will buy one later on, who knows, will be able to meet them someday.. rite, i was thinking too much.. LOL.. hm, maybe in the next album, their lines will be divided evenly..well at least, but yeah, we never know..

  17. hehe... you are cute, in my book, i guess.. LOL..

    wow, you are going back to Korea?

  18. haha, why not? rite.. i hope you will arrive safely then.. take care cute dongsaeng!

  19. oh, im just joking, u know...hehe... dont take it seriously ok, mr. officer.. hehe...

    nah, im such an angel.. LOL... it will be more than hundred percent that we will meet in that situation.. LOL.. study smart and make yourself proud! your love ones too.. =)

  20. exactly... i even was thinking to buy it.. haha.. maybe ill buy the repackage album later on.. definitely, high-5!! thats exactly one of the reasons why i like her the best, heehe... somehow, i felt bad for the other members too, they only got few lines..

  21. all rite.. hehe.. as i said, basically, all the songs are great.. take care ok, dont shoot randomly, LOL..

  22. hehehe... exactly! cry cry is haunting me ever since.. i like it, a lot.. hm, goodbye ok sounds nice too.. but, overall it such a nice album, the mv was epic too.. LOL..

  23. wow, such a nice brother.. rite, i was planning to buy the repackage album too, sounds great, i guess..

    haha.. congrats then! =p

    so, which one is your fav song?

  24. yeah, Black Eyes is totally awesome! owh, i see.. have a save journey then!

    LOL... some of it, i guess so.. they are my biases as well.. hehe..

  25. my pleasure.. hahaha... i like them too.. hehee.. have u listened to their album? so, are u already back to your place?

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