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Status Updates posted by dora2

  1. skrg kat mlk...

    oh, akaun... degree or dip?

    raya jb la thn ni?

  2. and yeah, eat well ok.. hehe..

  3. oh, thats great!

    well, i was thinking, was ur course is a preparation of a police officer?

    hm, so, what sport do u like then?

  4. hm.. exact area tu, xde la tau sgt.. hehe

    tp, pernahla cruise sg. kempas tu, ikut member sampling fyp dia,

    evn, my fyp pon sampling dkt jb jgk...

    ntah la.. da rezeki kat sini..

    xper, masing2 kan ad bidang sendiri.. hehe..

    study kat mana eh? course?

  5. well, 2 years are just a short period of time..

    dont miss korea that much ok.. hehehe..

  6. eh, its ok..

    ala, my english isnt that superb too.. haha..

    hm,upm, biology.. u?

    memang asal jb eh? seblh mne?

  7. hbs dah, last year..

    so, currently working..

    but, then, by the end of this month.. contract hbs dah.. so, kena la cr yg baru.. hehe..

    how bout u then?

  8. ikr! LOL...

    hm, but still, if its raining heavily, the tendency to slip is probably higher.. hehe..

    so, u r staying there for good?

  9. owh, jb..

    ive been there once, in 2009..

    kita sebaya la.. hehe..

  10. its ok.. u r still young then...=)

    i bet, ull get used to it in no time..

    yeah, saves a lot on wardrobes expenses..hehe

  11. ok, so far..

    yeah, malaysian too..

    im from n9, u?

    anyway, nice meeting u.. =)

  12. owh... yeah, even my country doesnt have snow.. it plainly rainy season or sunny days all year long..

    that's good..

    i presume, u know lots of languages eh..

    hangul, tagalog, english ofc.. wow!

  13. LOL... even my sister told me the same thing.. and ranmaline too..

    maybe their bit busy.. owh, well.. less people talk to me as well.. LOL..

    I'm from Malaysia btw..

  14. Hello there, Malaysian!!

    how's puasa? ok?

  15. i see.. anyhow, the weather nowadays, is very unpredictable..

    ok, well.. i hope u get well soon,

    and best of luck there..

    but, may i ask, why Philippine, not any other part of the world?

  16. hm, idt its a rare a couple anyway.. for some unknown reason,

    perhaps their PDA is not clearly shown as the other couple, or im being bias.. LOL..

    exactly.. and its raining here, for like almost everyday.. ROFL..

  17. cool!u already in Philippine?

    ive been living here ever since.. hehe...

    i was dreaming to study abroad, since i was a kid... but, yeah, maybe some other time..

    so, how's there? is it a nice place?

  18. sure do.. =)

    no worries..

    and yeah, thanx alot for the sori..

    i was too overjoyed reading it on that particular day.. LOL..

  19. hi there! nice to meet u!

    anyway, im totally liking ur works. it was great u know.. keep it up, ok..!


  20. hm...i see.. that's very nice of u..

    maybe, i was right... i do miss something previously.. LOL

    so, u r from seoul? really?

  21. owh, ok.. cnat wait for that..

    hehe.. yeah, i knew it..

    i mean, why suddenly eunri has a family,

    or do i miss anything there?

    but, yeah.. maybe its just me.. hehe..

  22. the eunri family, remember? hehe..

    anyway, how's ur eunri fic?

  23. good..!

    i guess, she's been busy..

    havent seen her around for quite some time..

    thanx.. =)

    owh, well.. somehow, im getting confused lately... sorry for that.. haha

  24. yeah... really? why is that?

    ive seen u around, actually.. hehe..

    so, i decided to have like a lil conversation... =)

    yeah, dora will be nice, but i swear, i have no connection with dora the explorer.. LOL...

  25. hehehe..

    so, how do you do now?

    getting better?

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