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Posts posted by hameunjungftw

  1. Well since T-ara's promotions are over, I guess this discussion is irrelevant now, but that's not gonna stop me smile.gif I like both songs, but Wae Ireoni should have been the primary song rather than yayaya. The appeal of yayaya is the same as the appeal of bo peep; it's simple, catchy, and puts a goofy smile on your face whenever you hear it. However there are many people who hate this type of song because of the simplistic and nonsensical lyrics. I feel like T-ara's reputation was somewhat hurt among the general KPOP crowd because they think this type of song is all T-ara is capable of even though that's not true. Wae Ireoni would have gone much further in maturing T-ara musically speaking, at least in the eyes of the general KPOP audience. Basically what I'm saying is because yayaya was the main track, people who liked T-ara before still like T-ara and people who didn't like T-ara still don't like T-ara. Not promoting Wae Ireoni more was a missed opportunity to bring in many more new fans. Just my 2 cents.

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