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Status Updates posted by debyeonie

  1. anywayyssss off to showerrrr then watch khuntoria and woojung ^^ then maybe homework 8-) ( neppah annog os staht ,thgir haey )

  2. just came back from work, realised theres a new thai restaurant that just opened otuside of neeta city called ThaiTanic :L

  3. time to go homeeeeeee

  4. off to bed tired. nighty nights! ☺

  5. be back later after my 1 hour shower (:

  6. So long, farewell, gooooooooodnightttttttt (:

  7. sleep now, nighty nights (: ♥

  8. omgosh theres so much things on sale at liverpool tmr BUT I CAN'T FREAKEN GO T_T #FML!

  9. On the way home, i need to peeee but im drinking water T_T

  10. nighty night now ♥

  11. never failed a test as bad as legal Q_Q! wth was i thinking T_T!!!!

  12. 2011 dream concert is daebak! (Y)

  13. must ..... start ..... progress .... report .... T_T

  14. come talk to me about dramas! I am currently watching City Hunter ^^

  15. someone talk to me D:

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