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    inarock98 reacted to kirpen in [12.06.06] T-ara's Dani personally scouted on the streets by Kim Kwangsoo, "An unrefined jewel"   
    ...I just don't understand. Why are you doing this to them? To us?
    Ugh, Hwayoung was pretty untrained when she's debuted and she's managed to improve significantly since then... I hope Dani can do the same... ^^"
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    inarock98 reacted to erik in [12.06.06] T-ara's Dani personally scouted on the streets by Kim Kwangsoo, "An unrefined jewel"   
    Random scouting like that isn't unusual. That's how Eunjung was found a long time ago, Soomi from Seeya/coed/5dolls, Jessica from SNSD, Lee Hyori, etc. And she'll have about as much training as Hwayoung did before debuting.
    Anyway, I'm still curious to see what she'll be able to add to T-ara. Hopefully she'll show as much growth as Hwayoung has over the past 2 years!
  3. Like
    inarock98 reacted to babybooboo in [12.06.04] T-ara's Dani pictured at a movie theater, "completely innocent"   
    LOL KKS . =.=" And hey,I'm also mad about her being another rapper(MAYBE). But you guys shouldn't be mad to her. I'm trying to accept her O_O although it's damn hard like before we tried to accept Hwayoung. She's just 14.Yes,I know. But don't you ever think about her feelings? She has feelings too. Poor girl. This is all KKS's fault! >< dammit ~~~
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    inarock98 reacted to sara.b in [12.06.04] T-ara's Dani pictured at a movie theater, "completely innocent"   
    i'll give her a chance and i'll support her cus sooner or later she will be a part of T-ara. as long as the original 7-ara are there i don't give a xxxx even if CCM added 95967309 member!!
    Queen's should do the same. i know it's hard to accept her and i can feel you i was like this at the start but now after i think about it i'll give her a chance maybe she's talanted after all. even if you don't like her don't comment badly about her. it's not her fault and it will make it harder for her and for t-ara. so say something good or don't say anything
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    inarock98 reacted to hinces in [12.06.04] T-ara's Dani pictured at a movie theater, "completely innocent"   
    She must be extremely happy to be selected to join t-ara.. Who wouldn't be?? But the fact is that she has to face alot of criticisms and people judging her at the age of 14. How many of us here can actually take her place or would have the courage to?? It's CCM's decision to add members not her. Let not pull her down..it's not her fault. agency's fault. We just have to wait and see what she has to offer..
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    inarock98 reacted to CitizenCL in [12.06.04] T-ara's Dani pictured at a movie theater, "completely innocent"   
    She looks cute! In a non-sexual please don't put me in pedo jail kind of way, lol. =__="
    I hope she'll cherish her innocence and smiles because it will get physically tough for her in December. Man, I feel bad for these child idols, especially this one joining at such a critical time. I hope antis don't tear her apart.
    Btw, what flavour ice cream? I judge you by yo' flava . . . lol.
  7. Like
    inarock98 reacted to Soyeon-is-the-best in [12.03.15] T-ara to become 7~9 members, including replacing members   
    Lol, if KKS want to make T-ARA better than SNSD (although for me T-ara is far better than SNSD), he should make it 10 members
    Btw, here is my opinion about the who will be replaced / out from T-ara (if the replacement really occur)
    I think the original 3 aka BIG 3 won't be replaced. Like the other said it will be probably themselves who will leave the group on their own due to their acting careers and KKS fears that.
    Soyeon probably won't be removed, because if Jiyeon is the "face" of T-ara, Soyeon is the "voice" of T-ara.
    But who knows, KKS said the concept and everything will totally new, so if he really gonna do it, he will need to remove Soyeon "trademarked" angelic voice from T-ara.
    Hwayoung probably won't be removed too , based on this statement "After three years as activities as a singer, pride and laziness is effected", Hwayoung just joined for around 1 years
    Lastly Boram & Qri. Since JTW album, their appearance is fading more & more ...
    This two is the most possible to be replaced.
    That's just my opinion and based from my point of view.
    Of course no one hope for any replacement.
    However, if that's really happen and Park Soyeon is the one who got removed , then I won't be a fans of the "new" T-ara anymore. I will just hear to their old songs and "follow" wherever Soyeon career go ~
  8. Like
    inarock98 reacted to Zelda in [12.03.14] T-ara to announce possible major change in member line-up on April 7th   
    What the f!!! What the hell is ur problem??!! First Hwayoung... I mean she hasn't coped up with the popularity yet!! And now ur gonna change the members?!! Or perhaps add some?!!!! Ur so stupid Mr. CEO!! Do u even know marketing??? This is why t-ara doesnt have a fixed fanbase!! Its bcuz u keep on changin!!! Wtf?!!u dun give them theirdeserve breaks [only recently since debut, ur worse than SME] and u even excluded ur ace!! Baby dino!!
    Gash now ur gonna change the members??!! Why can't u just keep the original members as it is!!! How stupid!! I am freakin sure that MAJORITY of the fans will disagree with this!!! I mean completely!!!
    BOTTOM line is...if you do smething with the current members...I swear to u CCM that will be the DESTRUCTION of T-ara!! And btw, ur marketing manager/director SUX!!!
    freakin hate u!! CCM doesn't deserve T-ara!! pftt!!~
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