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About Taraloo

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  1. Thanks for organising. #티아라5주년축하해 #5yearswithT_ARA
  2. Beautiful. Hope there's more.. And some official ones maybe? Whee, new display pic hehe!
  3. Hyomin where where? Haha! Double yeon moments~ all the best for musical roly poly girls! ^^
  4. Like how soyeon tries to add on for her members or even correct her members. Trust that she'll be a great leader. She's good at answering questions ^^
  5. Hahaha jiyeon just made me smile. Invisible? She must be really sick of not having some private life. Poor little baby. And she didn't really celebrate christmas tough life she has, since young.
  6. Cant wait for this. Though we're all so gonna be jealous. Finally get to see their reality show again. Dorky side of them!
  7. Well the album photo is kind of bad. Why is it edited like that. But nevertheless, sub photos are god like. Smoking hot. Now i cant wait for lovey dovey to release.
  8. Wow pretty! Somehow, i feel touched when i see eunjung. I think she has been missing quite abit that im so happy just by seeing her appearing with the rest of t-ara.
  9. Daebak daebak!! Hell excited for year end music festivals. And WooJung as MC is omg. MBC is smart to be doing that. Couple MCs! Hell yeah.
  10. Amazing. That EunJi and BoRi picture is.. Hell hot. Their solo pictures too. Now I can't wait for the MV. Hope it'll be a big hit like how they predicted!
  11. Hell yeah. Another show by T-ara, finally. Can't wait for the 17th and for the subbed video. Hope diadem subbers are gonna sub it hehe! Anyway, though we're so gonna be jealous about it, still, Pretty Boys fighting! T-ara shine shine!
  12. Great great great! What a great news! Its sad that T-ara didn't receive it themselves. Hopefully they will announce it loudly next week haha! Proud of them! Right now, hoping much that they'll win more this week! Music bank sooooooon!
  13. Hell yeah! Love dream high producers! Dream high is where I found eunjung and t-ara! Great! Awesome!! Looking forward! Just hope Jiyeon can cope. T.T
  14. Wait, something is fishy. Im checking twitter almost every hour..And if it's up there for 16 hours..? Why didn't I see it? T.T?
  15. Bleeding nose. Hahaha! They look so sweet, innocent and cute! Eunjung with that slightly unbuttoned top just kinda killed me. Loving it.
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