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Status Updates posted by d1ana

  1. hahaha watching ep 43 of Running Man... a cross country chase... I wanna do that XD but maybe just cross Cali lolol... *munches on goldfish*

  2. hmm... I wonder if there's any klondike bars left in the freezer... *checks* ONE!!! O_O *grabs*

  3. hmmm I dunno where I put my phone charger before I left for Korea -_- guess I'll have to charge it using my computer for the time being D:

  4. hmmm I guess I'll sleep now... g'night world!!~~ :D

  5. hmmm I need to write reviews on HA about some of the restaurants I went to in Korea... before I could write more about my trip in Korea o.0

  6. hmmm I think I gotta start biking soon or something... mom banned the use of car except for when I'm going to & (cont) http://t.co/h5vXgRr

  7. hmmm I'm kind of hungry now... o_0 but I just brushed my teeth D=

  8. hmmm shall take a break from my drama spree & return to my Running Man spree :D

  9. hmmm that's weird... the book I mailed on Tuesday... still hasn't shown up on the USPS tracking system o_0

  10. I don't know what my dad was watching on YouTube but I heard Oh! coming from it lol but by the time I got out he changed videos already lol

  11. I guess I'll sleep now~~~ g'night world!~ XD

  12. I hate it... when I'm trying to watch a drama but it takes 4+ hours to load a 10 min segment -_-

  13. I kinda want some... Korean fried chicken atm... hm... T___T

  14. I really need to organize my room... no room anywhere T___T

  15. I shall get ready to board... I guess... wanted to do last minute souvenir shopping in the airport... but that's (cont) http://tl.gd/ca1op1

  16. I shall go back to my internet-less room now & study for Korean O_O

  17. I shall retreat from this kitchen & back to my internet-less room once again O_O

  18. I think it's time for a drama/movie spree =D

  19. I totally do not want to be in class right now... I freaking need to study for my Korean finals -_- yes plural... T_T

  20. in Busan! for a festival that has been cancelled... T~T no f(x) today~ D=

  21. Infinite performing Paradise & Be Mine now!~ #SBSGayoDaejun

  22. it has started... my weekly trip to UCLA -_- going to pick up my sis now D=

  23. Kekeke @NinjaFen is Sica while @Shitro13 is Park Myung Soo~

  24. kekeke made a lemon cake w/out my big mixing bowl o_ov now time to wait for it to cool before decorating it =3

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