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Status Updates posted by d1ana

  1. lol ep 36 of Running Man... that market is totally the Home Plus inside the World Cup Stadium in Mapo-gu XD

  2. lol was supposed to go to sleep earlier but got sidetracked cuz of Running Man haha now it's time for bed~ g'night world!~ :D

  3. lol... mom's watching MBC Entertainment award on some stream online... I'm watching it in 720p from my comp XD

  4. LOLOLOL BoA just said that Siwon is a womanizer... ROFLROFLROFL

  5. making ramen & watching drama at the same time =D weeee!!~~

  6. man Spy Myungwol is getting really good. darn cliffhangers. I wonder why ratings aren't doing so well D=

  7. man... I'm hungry...

  8. MBLAQ... please... do... not... ever... do... cute... concept... ever... again... nothing against you, it just doesn't work o.o

  9. morning morning o_o

  10. morning world!!~~ class in 30 min T_T totally just want to keep on sleeping... X___X

  11. morning world!~ don't know what to eat... maybe I should make ramen =D

  12. morning world~ aaahhh legs aching from all the running yesterday o_o;

  13. morning world~~~ gotta go to my aunt's house today O_O

  14. must sleep now @.@ g'night world~

  15. must watch!~ from the musical Spring Awakening, Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind featuring Isak @realISAK http://t.co/9KoOurC

  16. my shoes aren't just meant to be... flip flops gave me very brutal flip flop burns... flats gave me a flats burn... WHAT IS THIS?!

  17. my wonderful t-list~~~ do any of you have a (video) camera that I can borrow for this week(end)? that records in 720p at least? D=

  18. nice :D Han Ye Seul busted out in her English in Spy Myung Wol ^_^v

  19. off to shower, clean my room, and find two trolls =P

  20. oh but KHJ has nice bangs :D

  21. oh snaps I need to do laundry today O___O

  22. oh snaps... I forgot Music Bank is tonight... oh wells... *tired*

  23. oh why must Kim Yuna's classic album be released 2 days after I leave D= http://t.co/KfVAnP9

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