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Status Updates posted by d1ana

  1. shall stop watching Warrior Baek Dong Soo for now~ g'night world!~ :D

  2. shower time~ if you ring my doorbell between now & 11:45am... don't expect me to open the door rofl D:

  3. since internet doesn't want to load my dramas... I shall go watch "Sector 7" XD hehehe time for some Ha Ji Won action =D

  4. sitting on... not my bed... waiting to see if @jellojuseyo will fall asleep in the bathroom or not o_0

  5. sleepy time!~ g'night world!~ ^_^v

  6. sleepy time~~~ g'night world!!~~ =D

  7. so full... but the orange juice is so thirst quenching D= *falls over*

  8. so tired... hmmmm T___T

  9. sold another one of my old textbooks!~ yay!~ but the money's going to my new textbooks T___T

  10. SONES!! SoCal bonfire is in front of tower 9!!! Right next to the Magnolia entrance ;P

  11. song of the day on @ArirangMDB is Davichi's "Don't Say Goodbye" =) love them~ @tweethaeri @iamkmk

  12. sooo hungry... sitting here still... T___T

  13. Soshified, SONEs, and Girls’ Generation: 2011, a Year to Remember http://t.co/n1nP5siI via @soshified

  14. studying for finals in the kitchen lol people are watching "Heartstrings" o_0 did I mention how this drama resembles "Love in Disguise"? o.o

  15. STUPID YONSEI INTERNET! first there's not ethernet internet... now there's no wireless... WHAT'S UP MAN?!

  16. talking to a Bank of American representative online haha =D

  17. the SK Global House security guard is on building patrol... and technician is... not in his room? O_O *waits in the lobby*

  18. there's still 1 thing that I really wanted to do in Korea... go to a sauna & make those ram ears O_O

  19. this is ridiculous... been 6 hours and that 10 min segment isn't even done loading yet...

  20. took a nap. woke up & took a shower lol... now slightly hungry o_0

  21. ugh mom's dragging me to the hair salon for a haircut... *looks through soshi pictures* which style should I model after... LOL

  22. ugh MU is being utterly slow for me T___T

  23. unpacking is painful... T___T

  24. waaahhh can't wait for Davichi's comeback :D that short teaser on M! Countdown is XD @tweethaeri @iamkmk ^___^v

  25. waiting for Davichi comeback stage on Music Bank O_Ov

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