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Status Updates posted by xi_luv_u

  1. OH! good luck! hahaha. xDD! *sigh* so bored >WWW

  2. Omo. In korean its like omg! Lol. Haha. And yea but idk. He can be cute but super annoying. Ahhh

  3. puhaha. i noe. but hey. it's entertainment and yj gets bored easily @____@ ahh. summer is so boring -0-!!!

  4. Sadly cant or my aunt going to get pissed off. He's 3 yrs old

  5. so true but im stuck. He wont let me go. Ahhhh. Save me tara

  6. So true. Haha need to be more active. So how are u

  7. sry. slow reply. me? i resign cuz i just didnt have time T__T school is getting out of hand. i resign most of the forums i worked for. and it was too overwhelming and hard to communicate

  8. Teehee thnxs umma <33

  9. Tht suxs. Have bug spray!!! Lol

  10. yea! it's <333 hahaha. i dont really like the wanna play song. it's a bit whine. LOL but lies! >W

  11. yea. guess who i'm babysitting -0-!! my jaws hurt T^T! my cousin smashed me and bumped into me. >W< T^T

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