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Posts posted by semi-fly

  1. This really has to be the dumbest promotional method imaginable. Basically scare your already fragile stars into thinking that any infraction can lead to their termination. T-ara has been working pretty much non-stop since they debuted. If the most recent accidents with the various members doesn't shout 'we've overworked' or 'we need a vacation' I really don't know what does. CCM's CEO is basically the same guy that recommended that KARA members who didn't bend to the will of their management company be blacklisted for pretty much the same stuff that he's trying to pull with his own stars while most would disagree with this but it might just be a good time for them to 'strike' and to bring about some real change for other CCM stars and for the industries reckless behavior towards idols.

  2. With the fact that they're going from one promotional cycle (Korea) to the next (Japan) do they really expect her to heal properly? If she's a perfectionist (like many entertainer seem to be) she's not going to rest for very long because she's going to need to practice for this or that and it's just going to exacerbate her already weak leg/knee. Ice and a handful of painkillers will only get your so far before you'll need to seek professional help (i.e., surgery as a worse case scenario). The good thing about the injury, though not about her profession, is that she's young and can, if done properly, bounce back with real down time.

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