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Status Updates posted by pinkyaya

  1. tu yg akk search psl eunjung ckit..tp time tu akk asyik lupa nama kump eunjung.. tp lepas da minat jiyeon, nama t-ara tu mmg melekatlah.. kump kpop yg akk paling minat.. mase awal2 tu kan, puas gak dok ingat members t-ara coz muka lbh kurang jer.. yg lain juz eunjung n jiyeon jer.. huhu.. skrg sumer akk da ingt juz kdg2 suara dorg akk xdpt nk bezakn sgt.. tp skrg pon kdg2 dpt tau gak mane 1 su...

  2. tulah,, hopefully dorg dptlh dtg cni..dpt gak tgk dorg depan2.. sy mmg mnat jiyeon tp sy nk tgk boram tu kcknya die mcmana.. sbb alayai die tu..kcknyer klu nk dibnding dgn jiyeon.. hehe.. erm2.. tp suju pon mmg popular compre dgn t-ara.. huh

  3. u too.. study or da keje?

  4. ur story different from other, so i think a lot of people like ur fanfic.. just u need to update it..so, people will notice it again.. =)is that the only fanfic that u write?

  5. wah..byknyer..sy hrni mkn nsi gorng n air teh o jer dgn ikn goreng.. hehe.. erm2.. sy gna mxs, so kdg2 jer amek intrnet..shari rm8.. nk gna broadbnd,da hbs guna usage 5gb tu..so, mmg da lmbt sgt2 nk on9..eh,awk suka bace ff kan?penah bace kt asianfanfic x?

  6. wait, u from malaysia?m i ryte?

  7. welcome.. =) anyway, nice knowing you..

  8. welcome.. =) erm..r u sick?i read from the comment below.. i hope u can get well soon.. =)

  9. wow.. bio..dulu time sklh mngah, pling xsuka bio.. spm pon bio pling teruk.. haha..jb area kempas,,tau ker?pnh dtg jb ker?

  10. yaya tu nicknme akk kt tmpt study..

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