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Status Updates posted by Brandinator

  1. RT @kckclalala: Bahahha soyeon will be the maknae of QBS.

  2. Jesus RAM is adorable

  3. 1000 tears for my Knicks T_T

  4. I guess this minus isn't gonna update itself...damnit...

  5. I bet everyone who puts legit time and effort into edits on Tumblr just absolutely LOVES weheartit (SARCASM ALERT)

  6. I check the T-ara Android App every day, multiple times a day...I know I'm not the only one...actually...at this point...maybe I am...

  7. You have no idea how good it feels to see some new photos of Qri, Boram & Soyeon D: ..actually...most of you probably do know...

  8. I'm so certain Eunjung didn't say "you didn't deserve us"...I mean, it's not typically what comes after "thank you, I love you", you know?

  9. PSA to dudes on Minus: PLEASE stop sending messages about how beautiful I am. Like, if I WAS Eunjung, I'd be way too good for you. Thanks.

  10. I'm not sure I want to fall in this black hole again, but...I think I might buy Animal Crossing tomorrow...pray for me...

  11. Pour out a bottle of liquor for how good Minus USED to be. Many tears. I loved you, once...

  12. Jesus CHRISTTT this basketball game is amazing....I'm tearing...tears of joy and heart attacks

  13. Crap, watched the Painkiller performance expecting Soyeon...of course...QBS...damnit.

  14. I swear if that android app gallery keeps getting to the top by itself I'm gonna delete the entire thing one of these days

  15. Hyomin quoting a Frank Ocean song on IG?

  16. Not counting any other Hyunas named Moon...that's TBD

  17. Everything T-ara related is such a huge mess...Ever since a year ago it never fully recovered, and apparently it's only getting messier...

  18. YEP, I still update that thing. Check it out before minus ruins the order again & makes me so sad I stop for weeks: https://t.co/rdjLtxR6uG

  19. Disappeared off the face of the internet

  20. Can't wait til Number 9 officially drops...It's not even out yet and it's already stuck in my head. You might say...I'm addict. Aha..ha..ha.

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