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Status Updates posted by Brandinator

  1. Eunjung's crooked smile is very important http://t.co/oQmGpLQrZ7

  2. hey u look good in you're pick. have u ever posted n... — No, but I can pose nude for you right now. Draw me li... http://t.co/oGtVYtcatY

  3. RT @Stryferr: This is the only occasion where one can use the term "DON'T WANT" with a picture of Jiyeon. http://t.co/7AMq6LBMwD

  4. between Fear Factor and UFC being on all day, there's far too much Joe Rogan on today's schedule...

  5. After being left EMOTIONALLY UNWELL by Game of Thrones last night I decided to watch some more Attack on Titan today. Apparently a bad idea.

  6. I'm just wondering if that will ever get old for me...probably not

  7. Why's this 60 year old FedEx guy trying to give me a fist bump...like...nah man, we can't be cool I'm sorry

  8. do you have a favorite girls' generation era? what ab... — For Girls' Generation it's probably Run Devil Run...I... http://t.co/h7fUUX4YEG

  9. Oh, hello there, backwards Japanese book http://t.co/xoYzyF0NM3

  10. This seems more like a post for "stupidlyobviouskpop-opinions" than "unpopularkpop-opinions", if you ask me... http://t.co/u2D89CsKnm

  11. I guess that's a thing again...

  12. How can somethin' cho rong make me feel cho rite http://t.co/xyq2isjZdq

  13. 'Fishcatcher420' is everything to me right now RT @onimonkii: http://t.co/crjx7H0J8P

  14. Does anybody know of a good solution similar to kmplayer/potplayer for capturing frames from a ts/tp video for mac/osx?

  15. I keep saying...the one upside to 2 of my 3 favorites leaving Kara is that now there's no conflict for #1...and damn is Seungyeon earning it

  16. I should have said it might be me...that would have been funnier. (funnier to me)

  17. I am streaming Mega Man 3 and it is old http://t.co/myQQhBpAzr via @hitboxlive

  18. Any excuse to link the YASS cat, really...

  19. This furry xxxx in Tumblr's Krystal tag needs to be stopped. These people need to be stopped.

  20. This man is making fun of premature babies. #IDemandJustice.

  21. @drewzu honestly...I'm playing the song at the moment and I can't promise I don't end up dancing instead of fighting...

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