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Status Updates posted by Brandinator

  1. I have the intro theme for Westworld stuck in my head...I feel good about that...

  2. throw this thing into the burning fires of hell, honestly https://t.co/tUSzE6mvjJ

  3. @trrevs but I sat right behind my heroes Tokido and Xian. I almost gave Tokido a shoulder rub!

  4. I restarted my laptop and Red Velvet - Automatic is playing, but...I don't see any tabs open or anything...and actually...I'm ok with this.

  5. RT @CIVARAGI: cash me outside music bank how bow dah https://t.co/RcpBmnyZrr

  6. This was adorable and made me feel good, I recommend it https://t.co/re1UG8ZXNN

  7. Sometimes, at random points in the day, I miss my T-ara Minus gallery and I pour one out in loving memory

  8. @Stryferr Joke's on you, I'm American, wtf is SkyTV!?

  9. Remember when f(x) made a great song about me https://t.co/88417tWG6Z

  10. @forthisgift word though if you wanted the yellow/gold I'm sure they got a color that would match...that dark navy though might be sus

  11. I haven't tweeted in like a month, so, here's a picture of Irene I really like. Enjoy. https://t.co/PqN0QOEnUm

  12. *buys a Nintendo Switch* https://t.co/2jfwclMBL7

  13. I'm Dayoung and the Mario head is life https://t.co/jp1iMz2NdA

  14. tfw you're on the train bored scrolling through Tumblr tags and you get like 10 straight pics of hardcore porn...I scrolled so damn fast...

  15. @Tuffty88 either way I'm neck deep into Final Fantasy 14 right now, it's taking my soul...I don't usually do this M… https://t.co/0wtZs9uqwW

  16. ? blessings https://t.co/uprVzWRMAC

  17. @yopat2k LMAO goddamnit...

  18. @hubwub Still my favorite: https://t.co/bkfGyhhuOk

  19. When you get destroyed at Shirogane Housing War (Savage) and you and your children had to settle for this dinky apa… https://t.co/Xvj7CRO5m2

  20. @teampied Yeah, I'm no bangs expert, but anything above the eyebrows is danger territory lmaoo...still, I think thi… https://t.co/TTx9OlpC9q

  21. RT @Caoji178: Eunjung. Because, Eunjung. Eunjung. https://t.co/ATVb99BmP1

  22. @Caoji178 I'm not biased or anything, but she's pretty much perfect in any look she's ever had. Not biased, I swear.

  23. @lunardusts lmaooo I saw this clip, wow that new UFC game looks so real

  24. I played too much Superhot VR and now I constantly feel like I need to dodge bullets, help

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