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Status Updates posted by benzar1234

  1. I guess Yayaya Jpnese V. better than Korean V. (its mythough) hm,,lets play 티아라 - 로그인 #listening #tiara #FIGHTING

  2. commented: K'Agnes,,keep FIGHTING!! :-) http://t.co/1DyfYSpI

  3. First times Jeju, Korea's drink!! wahh,,real fruit,,real fresh!! 제주감귤 hihi,,menyegarkan!! #koreandrink

  4. ,,thats the affectionate moment,,Aiiisshh..so touched!! :') #FIGHTING

  5. [MV] T-ara at F1 Korea Grand Prix Special Music Core - Roly-Poly http://t.co/6fIBGYmj #tiara #FIGHTING

  6. Woww..Thats amazing!! [Videos] T-ara performed on Busan Power http://t.co/43zfN0Va

  7. #ATTENTION Telah d'umumkan Album 5th YUI "HOW CRAZY YOUR LOVE" #diadem #dreamer #YL #mallows http://t.co/g0z6lFnd
  8. hihiB-),,kg lgi sbuk ap dank skrng, nga? RT "@Ch_Tytut: :o snd ad kbr kw ng e eben! RT @benzar1234: diriq lg d'rmh!!angko dank?! @benzar1234

  9. wahh,,생일죽해 missA's Suzy.. #seangilchukhae #suzy #moga+success @missA_suzy #바이팅!!

  10. Diadem,,Jiyeon'z cry at the Music Core.. Bt..suzy,,tiffany,,& yuri..they try to calm Jiyeon!! #diadems #FIGHTING

  11. thankyou for added me to yourfriends list.


  12. Nee film dank..comedi,,erotis,,romantis leh..ckckck!!

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