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Posts posted by SarahKhem

  1. This just ruined my day.

    I seriously do not understand what is wrong with Kim Kwangsoo at this moment! He is definitely not in the right mindset right now.

    Seriously, he's considering to replace the members? Why on earth would you do such a thing to these girls who are finally reaching their popularity peak?These girls are the most hard working idols that I know in Kpop. He treats them like slaves, taking away all of their sleep, and he calls them lazy? They have finally received their first "long" vacation in three years and he dares to call them lazy? And he thinks that the current members will shine if more members are added? How so?! I believe that if he adds more members, the other members that are not being treated well, will probably never shine.

    He says that he has 30 years of experience but it seems like he has none. He isn't thinking about T-ara or their fans. He's just thinking about how to get more money in his pocket. Seriously, Kim Kwangsoo is probably the most shadiest person alive. Him and his company to be exact. I feel so bad that T-ara members are treated like this. They are treated like robots. Kim Kwangsoo thinks that he can just replace them if they become old or broken. He is the one who is adding most of the stress to T-ara. He's always making them do more work. And there would probably be more effort in the singing part, if he actually gave some of the members more lines! If he gave Qri and Boram more lines, I'm pretty sure their singing skills would have improved since it's more practice. But no, he doesn't bother to do so and instead says that their lacking.

    I love T-ara the way the are. T-ara consists of 7 queens, and 7 queens only. If Kim Kwangsoo replaces a member, I seriously think I cannot be a fan of T-ara any more. It wouldn't be T-ara any more. It would be a new group. I would rather have him add in a new member than to take one away, but this means that the members will shine less.

    I will wait until the next statement, but right now I'm really mad. I'm mad and depressed to be exact. Hopefully Kim Kwangsoo is being a troll and just saying this to scare us fans. Seriously, T-ara is perfect the way they are. I'll fly to Korea and kick Kim Kwangsoo if anything goes wrong.

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