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Posts posted by Temptation

  1. Yeah but seriously, it's Golden Bell. Most of the times, the choices are usually fixed within the guests and if not, it's usually pre-decided. Meaning there is no real emotions behind those choices. I mean like real choices they made based on the type of guys they like. And anyways, the G-Dragon choice was made for the whole group, not individually.

    And don't get me wrong, GD is a G. Personally, I'm a big fan of him. So no hate here. ROFLMAO. :D

  2. I kinda wanna know what kind of guys T-ara likes. I know Jiyeon said that her style was Lee Chun Hee (that tall, doofy guy from Family Outing Season 1) but there is another article on the internet saying that her style is actually Lee Chan Ho (the actor in God of Study that got into the college and had problems with sleep). Which means she likes cuter guys than guys who are "badasses" or just the last part of that word. LOL. ^_^

    Don't you guys want to know about their style in guys?

  3. We should all go find the antis and give a little personal message to them.

    Anywho, they probably can't say anything to her in person anyways. They probably all look wayyy worse than she does and they have no right to say that anyways. Unless he or she was the most amazing looking person ever to be born or something. No one has the right to judge another unless asked to.

    Kudos to the netizen though. I really didn't expect them to cover up for her, due to the fact that most netizens side with the antis with things that are barely even true like the whole thing with Jiyeon being the second Kim Tae Hee or something and the other incidents that led to suicide. But they came through and shut the antis up. So major kudos.

    Seriously, either they need to get a life or they need to get off the computer and do something with the life they have already. Or at least start working out to make themselves look better, instead of being the green monster and getting jealous of someone. It's really just a waste of time to be jealous of someone unless that is their motivation to become a better person. But bashing on a person isn't motivation. It's just being a person that would get their asses kicked as soon as they said something to the wrong person.

    It's too bad that Eunjung noona wouldn't be able to see this due to T-ara's hectic schedule but we all support her through thick and thin, no? :]

    Oh and, I don't think it was anyone's fault actually. That is her natural beauty. We all love her the way she is, so why bother blaming it on someone else? If anything, blame the antis for pointing out something that isn't even true.

    And personally, I think that "fat" is uber cute. <3

  4. How far are you willing to go to see them?

    What I mean by see them is both seeing them in person and seeing them as in dating/friendship.

    I already planned how I want to meet them and that is through me becoming a musician in the US and becoming famous for being an Asian to become successful here aside from Park Jin Young.

    Sounds far 'fetched, sure, but I'm already making moves.

    Making songs and will start recording soon too :D

    Anyways, enough about me.

    What about you guys?

    How far are you willing to go?

  5. Umm, just letting all of you know.

    Apparently, the staff of the show for the interview were fooling around with Jiyeon so in reality, Yoon Si Yoon doesn't really have an "affection" towards her.

    And also, the part where he said that she was beautiful?

    He did say it but after Jiyeon complimented him first about how he dances well, despite his image.

    Just putting that out there, since the article or whatever you call it is making it seem like Yoon Si Yoon actually likes her more than as a colleague or something.

    And no, this isn't hating on anyone either. So don't even say that people.

    Anyways, I feel happy for them :]

    They are becoming more and more famous, which is obviously a good thing.

    Fighting! :3

  6. @lp4rv- LOL

    I like your enthusiasm :]

    But in order for this to even become planned, Elly would have to take a look at this and figure out a way to get in contact with the company and such

    If the company knows about this fansite, which they should, we mayyyyyy have a chance at getting them to go wherever ;)

    But then again, they have fans all over the world XD

    They would probably start in other Asian areas though and possibly come to America last :X

    Damnnnn ㅠ_ㅠ

  7. Huh...

    Seems like no one on this site likes T-ara enough to want a fan meeting aside from ONE person.

    Geez, if everyone on this site donated or something, the dream of meeting them ISN'T so far away. :P

    I'm not doubting anyone or anything, it just doesn't seem to be shown.

    I mean, yeah, everyone is saying "Oh I love her" and such but if you really love her, then you would wanna see her, right?

    I'm just saying, that's how I feel.

    @lp4rv- Just because you live in Vietnam doesn't mean they wouldn't consider a trip over there as well :P

  8. Is it just me, or does a fan meeting sound like a good idea? :)

    Like one of those meetings where the celebrities are also there and they just have a day of fun with performances from both the celebrities and the fans and exchanging of gifts and such :)

    Or maybe like a place to get autographs and pictures and stuff

    I just REALLY want to meet T-ara in real life :D

    We could probably make this happen too with donations and such.

    So, what do you guys think?

    If this becomes a real idea, I'm down for it with all the money I can get :)

    AND YES, I know it's a pretty far-fetched idea at the moment but in due time, I think this could definitely be a possible event for the T-ara fans in both Korea and in America and other places as well. Seriously.

    Edit: Oh and, if this thread should be in the suggestions forums, please move it for me :P

    Sorry :(

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