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Posts posted by Ahrjai

  1. It is more likely that the first original Japanese song will be the last single they release before a full Japanese Album. It's not that easy to make a new song for them right now (Recordings/Filming) and they are still pretty new to the Japanese market. Plus they still have promotions going on in Korea.

    I really want a Cry Cry Japanese Version. There is no need for a 15min Drama MV though -___-"

    If anything they might get their very first solo concert in Japan than in Korea if they continue with their Japanese releases.

    Why is it that they haven't had a solo concert yet?

    They are doing really great right now ^__^ T-ara Fighting!!

  2. OMG 5 version!? They are killing our girls over there :angry:

    I wouldn't mind it, but thinking about their current schedule...Isn't it a bit too much?

    Soyeon is still currently sick..Hyomin is about to follow her -____-"

    I really think that it would be better for them to spread their promotion throughout the year than overworking them for 3-5 months T__T they might be busy but not overworked..... plus fans wouldn't wander too much lol

    (oh well what do I know I'm just a fan T__T)

    Regardless I will enjoy everybit of these MV's thats gonna come out. T-ara Fighting!! <3 Hyomin <3 Fighting!

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