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About Impertud

  • Birthday May 14

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    Iasi, Romania.
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  1. She is absolutely gorgeous oh my god. I love this photoshoot ;A;
  2. Hyomin looked absolutely gorgeous. But I also have to agree with the comment above - girls have been traveling back and forth Japan non stop, they really need to slow down a bit.
  3. I look forward to watching this and finding out what the girls themselves have got to say. ;_;
  4. I really hope that this will help things settle for once and not make more controversies arise..
  5. oh my god the girls were so cute with the rikkuma hats :333
  6. they all look so pretty ;; thank you for sharing :c
  7. I hope she wins the lawsuit because she'd deserve to. The staff of Five Fingers didn't handle the situation as they really should have.
  8. That gif of bored Jiyeon ugh she is gorgeous ;AA; she totally rocked dream high 2.
  9. I can already feel the anticipation building, especially "sexy love". ;;;;; I honestly wish the girls would get some rest though..
  10. Well, awards aren't everything, are they? they are number 1 in the fans' hearts despite everything and everyone. I'm glad they think this way, enjoying being on stage and not feeling burdened is probably the best way to think in order to keep going strong. ;; Also, looking forward to "Sexy love" and the new concept the girls will adopt. I'm sure it will be impressive.
  11. Way to go, girls. despite the fact that the concert will be held on weekend, they've manage to sell every single ticket. this is truly something remarkable. ;;
  12. LOL. just what is Hyomin doing? soyeon looks tired though..8(
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