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Status Updates posted by Qinah

  1. Ciknah rindu Zara la....aishh

  2. cinta kau dan aku.....nk tgk pn mcm xde feel....FF jd hero novel errr mcm x sesuai....xde bayangan pn....oh maafkan sy! Terkomen plak...

  3. citer ape remy berlkun...haha mcm gile2 je

  4. Continue..The Wedding Breaker

  5. Cry Cry Can't you see the music

  6. cuti yg indah! yipppiii

  7. dear twitter..I can't sleep!!

  8. Dendam yang terindah....

  9. dh kompem dapat pingat kannn

  10. dh letih ke 5 tahun berkhidmat utk aku?? uhuk uhuk

  11. Dinner mlm ni...Alhamdulillah! thanks my rumete! http://t.co/QNSmP1Kl

  12. diri sendiri sediakala GEMOK ade hati nk tegur org gemuk!! xdek cermin kt umah dia ke hape? eeeee gerammmmm!!!

  13. disebabkan mlm ni mandi awal..rase mcm dh kul 10 dh

  14. disebabkan syiok sgt gugel respi kek perut ku jd lapar thp kebulur...errrr tdo tdo!

  15. dlm kelas design steel n timber...tp mood luar kelas lg ni..mood oi cepatlah msuk kelas!

  16. dlu tgk x sedih pn..skrg mcm laju je airmata kluar..aishhh

  17. dokleh aku wak keje dlm bilik 24jam nih! kena tggu bilik ats bkak jgk nih!

  18. Don't judge the tweeps by their avatar. When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

  19. dorang memang suka derma beras eaaa

  20. Download ep.1 Dejavu Di Kinabalu....

  21. Download episod 22,23,24..marathon!

  22. dpt mkan durian lagikkk...hea..ven!!

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