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Aina Md Isa

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Status Updates posted by Aina Md Isa

  1. @KimcyLovers haha cute bah..padahal perkataan ni dah lama dah kita guna kan

  2. assignment aku due lagi 30 mins and im here krik krik sbb lupa bawa balik buku and financial calculator so bye bye.

  3. Gila punya org..dua2 gila senang cite. aku pun takyah lagi nak sebelahi sesape.aku dah tawar hati dah..kalo korang nak pisah pun, ada aq ksh

  4. I love chu @ChloeGMoretz

  5. PKU be like https://t.co/MwTIorAFDM

  6. RT @FerN_FocuXP: หยั่มมาทัมหน้าเชิญชวนนะ https://t.co/2wFNtGQFbt

  7. RT @Parkjirong2_: Is there any side of you that isn't pretty? park jiyeon

  8. RT @t_share93: Hahm Eunjung's jawline is sexier than your oppa's abs https://t.co/NYJdQmql4S

  9. woahhh more and more https://t.co/Ny6jldOIeh

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