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Status Updates posted by Typhoon

  1. 2 new Jay chou songs leaked OMG SO NICE :A:

  2. OMG WHAT! WAE IREONI?! 11/11/11 BLACK EYES?! oh great...

  3. The. suffering of running nose.. Ugh...

  4. OMG. the previews of WonderGirls songs are... omg *worried* *bites nails* :|

  5. Wow. this just hit me. I regretted smoking.. and in the process of quitting. :)

  6. RT if you watch EMA just for BIGBANG lol.

  7. LOL i post nonsense in SG thread lmao, too bored.

  8. wow i need to watch this movie.. http://t.co/o09vf6n2

  9. I check my twitter more then my facebook. nuff said.

  10. Hmm lightning sky now? Not raining also..

  11. My mum oftenly ask me why my music genre so weird, awhile Metal, awhile chinese songs awhile english awhile kpop. LOL.

  12. and yup I DID the tweet at the diadem twitter LOL..

  13. http://t.co/YSw26cyV I've been hit by one of these negetive ghost today... I'm a pig... I want to die.
  14. And it has began.. my mind automatically plays the cry cry teaser song for me.. I'm humming the song now..

  15. Woo i'll spazz Jay Chou instead.. lol remember the cowboy song? Now he's doing a sailor version of it haha.. heard the preview.. catchy! :D

  16. >:o TCN SUBBED CRYCRY IMMA WATCH. hahahahaha

  17. Lol bought 2 lotte snack go home try luck. :)

  18. A point to note on Korean albums: its very hard to differentiate whether its a full album or a mini album.

  19. Jay chou leaked 6 songs!!! woo listening right now,

  20. Ah nvm. changed back to this lol.

  21. Lolol I'm laughing at @n_athaniel and @YANiPOPO conversations.. so interesting.

  22. Lol o my God totally white Christmas

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