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    ehney got a reaction from sayruq in [13.12.14] Video - T-ara - Hide & Seek M/V   
    First of all, I want to try and express how giddy I am right now. I am beyond pleased with the recent T-ara, and CCM's decisions. Dedicated Queen since 2011, and I'm very glad to see them where they are now! Thank god their hell is over, and they can progress in to becoming more successful. Now, on to my thoughts on this M/V...

    So, everyone seems to either be very happy or very /UN/happy with the line distribution for this track. Yes, it is quite apparent that Soyeon and Jiyeon are given majority of the lines. And, it is also very apparent that Hyomin and Qri (Especially for Qri, unfortunately...) are given the short end of the stick here. But, let's take a deep breath and think without taking this too personally. To whom the lines are given is a decision made in consideration to the overall features of the song. Put in more simple terminology, the lines are distributed in a way that accentuates the song properly. These decisions were made so that the song could reach it's maximum potential. (Or, so CCM thinks.) To all of the angry Qri-biased fans - Don't let it bother you. Qri made quite the statement during "Number 9". She has improved both vocally and visually. Not to mention, she's rocking the leader position. Same goes to those of you Hyomin-biased fans! It's not like Hyomin is underused as a member. Hyomin's hot body and skilled vocals have been valued since debut.
    Something else I noticed: Boram.(Or, just those of us who have been following long enough to see the change.). I have always loved Boram! But, I quickly noticed she was never really all that popular. People tended to find her much more unattractive than the rest and close to talentless. She was seen as a waste of space to a /lot/ of people. Which, I never really understood. Each member, both current, and past, had their special attributions. Boram's vocals are not too shabby and she's actually cute as a button. Nearing 30, she could easily pass as Maknae of the group. Back to what I was saying, things are changing in regards to Boram! She is becoming noticeably prettier each passing day and is very clearly working hard at improving her singing abilities. Featuring her in "I Know The Feeling" and "Do You Know Me?" was a really clever way of showing Korea that T-ara has made some serious improvements during their absence, as it was something no one really expected! I feel a heavy sense of improvement from the other members as well. In this M/V, she takes the lead on the chorus like a champ and looks absolutely stunning. I'm very happy with how much she's grown as an idol.

    Kind of a rant, I'm sorry! Just wanted to write my thoughts. T-ara fighting!
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