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Posts posted by ekyrd

  1. Considering how many people have already done the ice bucket challenge...I think the initial goal of spreading awareness has mostly been accomplished and now it feels more like jumping on the bandwagon. I think at this point a quiet donation to ALS research says more about your support than dumping a bucket of water over your head.

  2. Thanks for putting this together...really interesting.

    I think more than anything this shows how scary today's world of social media and instantaneous and perhaps less than thorough reporting is. Ultimately, somebody started a somewhat plausible rumor and ended up costing T-ara significant amounts of money and hard work. Basically a textbook example of an internet viral rumor...and unfortunately of a variety that can't be disproven unlike the so-and-so is dead or pregnant, that you see now and then.

    Hopefully T-ara's continuous hard work will be rewarded by more future success.

    T-ara Fighting!

    Queen's Fighting!

  3. I'm happy to wait for a comeback if it means they comeback with a good song. I've been watching the other girl groups' comebacks and most of the songs are kinda bland. CCM seems to be pretty bad in terms of PR but in terms of song selection they've done pretty well...I love most of T-ara's and Davichi's songs....and would be pretty sad indeed if they came back with something like 4minute/Sistar/2ne1's latest songs.

  4. I kinda wanted to take this announcement at face value but the timing is just incredibly weird. 2 days before a major concert is not the time to make a lineup change. I know it's popular to blame KKS for mismanagement but my assumption is that something forced his hand. As to what..I doubt we'll ever know. Contract stuff doesn't seem to get disclosed much..if it's that..and if it's something negative instead it'll likely remain hidden..as it should. Anyway T-ara fighting! Areum fighting!

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