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Posts posted by Miss_Taken

  1. I know how you feel, I've been dying to hear T-ara's Effect for months now, but I guess I'm just happy that the project is still a go at this point. I was starting to worry that we would never hear it! Although I do think a name chance for the album is in order, I can see netizens having a field day with their "effect." :ph34r:

    All in all it will have been nearly eight months since T-ara released any sort of material in Korea, and while I'm excited to hear what they come up with I can also understand why you would think it would be too soon. To be honest I would be happy if they were just able to promote solely in one territory or the other; with them picking up some steam in Japan with Bunny Style! I was kind of hoping that they would stay over there a while, release another single, then an album, then tour, THEN come back to Korea...no more of this sloppy promotional style where T-ara's in Japan a few days and then tries to promote in Korea on weekends, like with Cry Cry and J-Yayaya. That was a mess and it wore the girls slap out. They're obviously still CCM's main money maker, I think they proved that even with the scandal and decreased support from the Korean public they still are popular enough in other territories that taking a break now and then wouldn't affect their popularity all that much. But it is what it is.

    And yeah, I'm kind of trying to figure out exactly how the YMCA dance is going to be incorporated into their new dance. Haha.

    Right? I feel the same way about Bunny Style promotions. It lacked a follow through. CCM created a hype, released the previews, gave the J-fans sad excuses for a mini-concert, and then just threw in the CDs and left them to sell on their own. Not that it didn't work. But it needed more push. I agree with what you said.. they should have stayed a while longer and maybe do more guest appearances on music shows and what not.

    Ah, i dont know why i even bother compaining. CCM's always got the ace. You can't ever guess what tricks they have up their sleeves. Adding members, taking one out, solos and subgroups... and of course, the most recent highlight.. a YMCA dance step. XD I'm kind of looking forward to it actually. It could either be sexy or cute/dorky. Either way works for me. :D

  2. ^I think we'll see them all together later on in the year, Miss_Taken. I know many fans are still anticipating T-ara's Effect, and knowing CCM they won't simply shelve the project, haha. Although I am wondering if the rumors of the album going the dubstep route are true...

    I think my frustration roots from the fact that we'll have to wait a little longer for T-ara's Effect, since CCM is squeezing new activities in again. Hahaha. Re dubstep...well, i've kind of built a purgatory between believing and not believing T-ara related rumors. I brushed off early news about the solos and sub-groups before and they turned out to be true so...

    This YMCA dance choreo though.. ( -_-)

  3. They're moving up (or down) the normal KPop path. But i think it's too early. You'd think after the controversy CCM would focus on promoting their bond and togetherness as T-ARA. Instead he pounces on the wall head-on and widens the crack.

    I want to say this won't affect the members but who are we kidding? As much as we see them as angels, they're human. They get hurt. They feel jealousy. A competition exists no matter how friendly.

    I'm happy about my EunJiMin (plus areum) sub-unit but I'm also hoping that Soyeon, Boram, and Qri get their own gigs. They're not any less talented. They're part of what got T-ara where they are now.

    But more than anything, I just want to see them all together. I mean, it was already painful when Hyomin was missing during Banisuta promotions. Now this? We can only hope for the best, I guess.

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