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About itgscv

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  1. #여자친구 #GFRIEND #Season_of_GFRIEND https://t.co/lPkecWHjYD

  2. 170611 #taeyeon #PersonaInHK concert audio #TAEYEON_PERSONAinHK https://t.co/JUF2cHLQyK

  3. Full audio of the concert, I'll transfer to my laptop once I'm back at the hotel #TAEYEON_PERSONAinHK https://t.co/MaG6Uptdnt

  4. Sunny: did you miss me? Sones: yes! Sunny: I missed you too

  5. wow this theist caller... I need to do something to make me less depressed from that utter stupidity

  6. catching up on physics.....very slowly

  7. wow Dani posted so many pics on instagram while I was working

  8. I think I remember seeing you around. Just curious, have you tried changing the iso speed noise reduction setting at all on your camera? It would definitely help with pictures like the last one here of Dani. A lot of the pictures where you weren't really close to a light you got a good amount of noise creeping in.
  9. 250 kb/s down T_T

  10. Woo that's me in the first video being interviewed ^^ I was wondering where I could find it
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