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Posts posted by surejung88

  1. but the MC is stiil yoo jae seok or get changed too?

    my favorite MC is yoo jae seok, kim bong sun,and the woman who look elder,

    Yepp the main mc is still yoo jae suk, well because he is awesome being one and kbs would never kick him out, haha, but the one who stays is just park myungsoo while shin bongsun and park misun (the one who look elderly, lol) weren't cast as mc anymore

    Goodluck @red4summer!

  2. SAD hahah ,

    yes me too can't wait for it released

    from observe those photo,

    the background seems like another show

    I would have thought the same thing if I didn't came across the first ep of the new season lol. Happy together's eps had been taking a downturn last few months(years?) for me so did not really watch many eps like I used to. It does look very2 diff, more so with misun out of the pic now.

  3. @steven83iu yup she is.. but not with the chart. It uses the different rules and regulations and the video play counts were many invalid (maybe to be fair to other candidates that just release their new songs?) idk the details chingu ya ~ ^^' Anyway,thanks so much to those who keep on fighting for her to gain something in return of her hard work and talents. It was proudful as a queen's and hahmchin :D

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