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red4summer last won the day on April 30 2023

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  1. Howdy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. red4summer


      i just watched some of their concerts etc in japan. i understand that political and historical reasons have caused it more difficult to promote these days but i would like to see them back in japan again. j-queen's is still waiting and i think mbk is still looking at opportunities to return.

    3. LordNoodles


      Yes, I do believe more Japanese releases would be good too, Japan pays a lot and they're well received there anyway. That's probably in the works, but just not quite yet. MBK is the new company, new CEO and all, maybe they do things a little differently.

    4. red4summer


      the new ceo is probably looking at more opportunities outside japan to generate more interest. the reception in china is very encouraging and it's worth trying because the market is vast. probably he wants t-ara to lead the way for the rest of the mbk artists. win-win situation for all and lets hope t-ara returns to japan soon. however it all depends on how the long the longzhen contract is, it may take at least 1-2 years.

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