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red4summer last won the day on April 30 2023

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  1. Howdy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordNoodles


      lol ok but i'm not a great guide. What do you want to know? T-ara history timeline? Short version: debuted in 2009 with an OST song first, but changed members immediately (par for the course in early kpop careers), then re-released with the current 6 members, collaborated with a few other CCM artists (Davichi, Seeya, Supernova) to help get recognition, worked their butts off forever with no breaks (like 18 months or something), got really popular with Roly Poly, had some success with r...

    3. red4summer


      i only know a bit here and there. it's my target to have all their past done but i'm still struggling to find time to look into their history in details. unless i devote myself 100% here, it's going to take me forever to realise it. anyway thanks!

    4. LordNoodles


      I would say that T-ara's probably one of the most hardworking groups because of how much of a rocky start they had (Wanna Play? is kind of cringy), and how they had to stay relevant. In their first two years, and their first album, they released a TON of singles (I think 10, within the first two album releases). T-ara also is not tied to a specific genre or style, (A-pink for example hasn't branched out). They also hit some success early on with Japan, and actually got #1 in Japan...

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