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Status Updates posted by ARMY

  1. Big family vacation

  2. @FreidaFatinah bagus bagus

  3. RT @WahidaWahab__: You never walk alone ☺ https://t.co/zmOKlXVG7O

  4. RT @RidzuanIndera: TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE. RT for Left Like for Right. https://t.co/5Qe0JfAUJW

  5. @FreidaFatinah tartweet koaong sorry la. Haha

  6. RT @FAmiraFaisol: I wish I can memorize quran like I memorize song

  7. @FreidaFatinah kenapa? Cuba cerita sikit. Mana tahu boleh hilang garang tu. Haha

  8. @FreidaFatinah okay puan seri saya akan tunggu jawapan puan seri

  9. RT @QueIQbal7: Refueling and electrostatic charges. -The Star https://t.co/LoNOzngOnA

  10. RT @sharifahamani: Dah dari kecik di didik results yang penting walaupun you hafal je and muntah balik. Takyah paham score je. Otak tak ber…

  11. @FreidaFatinah baik puan seri

  12. Cepat la penat kot kalau macam ini.

  13. RT @Issam_Bayan: I feel bad... https://t.co/OWz8xkkCDj

  14. RT @iamajayrahman: Salam jumaat Jom tolong adik Nurdayana. Rt pun dah dikira tlg sebarkan. https://t.co/pxPQdb45Pl

  15. @FreidaFatinah haha okay puan seri

  16. @FreidaFatinah esok macam mana jadi tak?

  17. @FreidaFatinah so jumaat ini la jawabnya. sebab cerita melayu kalau kurang sambutan memg kejap je.

  18. RT @youngsyefura: https://t.co/hJIf3egxXY pls share/RT this initiative with your friends. Our girls must not suffer in silence. https://t…

  19. @FreidaFatinah takpe diri ini dah terbiasa semua ini.

  20. RT @AbangMohdAllif: Mana kuasa viral?mana? Budak dalam ni kalau yang bogel-bogel laju pulak nak RT! Respect manusia ni!

  21. @FreidaFatinah haha kau pergi yang kat mana ini?

  22. RT @QistinaFrida: ? https://t.co/nxbgCAhHEU

  23. RT @barteria: Qunut Nazilah, utk saudara Islam dlm bencana spt perang/wabak/darurat (e.g. Rohingya, Palestine, Syria, etc) https://t.co/ofR…

  24. RT @ajplus: Love giraffes? Bad news - they're now in danger of going extinct. https://t.co/WaVctoA1Lx

  25. RT @ardhiraazizan: 1/1/2017; spending time with le big family ? just perfect.

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