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Status Updates posted by sky_H

  1. หวัดดีจ้าแพรว เห็นเราในบ้านอยู่ ฮ่าๆๆ แต่ไม่รู้จะไปทักทายตรŧ

  2. hello! ^^ i see your comment in my profile.. if you mean pictures in my signature sure! it made by me.

    nice to meet you!

  3. hi, ^^

    I love 2NA couple very much~

    2na pics in signature you can see and save it in afterschool-th.com

    it's AS in Thailand (Pattaya Music Festival)~

  4. Hi candy, I'm fine ^^

    But has we talk together ? 55+

    sorry that I ask you like that , I think we has talk but it's long time ago >/////<

  5. sky_H

    Hi Anna~ Do you still want Wallpaper made by me?? >< 555+ hope you're fine!!~

  6. !!~ I can remember !! , you come into thai-ara and ecxhange your links ,right? 55+

    sorry so much that I can't remember you before >//<

  7. sky_H

    I'm fine *-* keke~

  8. I still work for thai-ara *-* after change theme I'm working sub (thai) for share all memners = = and thai-ara will have meeting!~ (between member and member)

  9. Thanks *-*, now I want to listen new songs of t-ara and I want to know about Hwayoung more, thai-ara have someone don't like Hwayoung T T

  10. hi, t-aranwaterjewel ! I'm so happy that you tell me you like eunso >

  11. I'm glad to be your friend!~ see your birthday you're dongseang *-* because I'm 19 years old~ 5555 ><

  12. Right! haha~ you're my dongseang. I feel i'm a old when i talk with who younger than me. 555555

  13. so sick 5555+ eunso in tweeter make me sad T T , how r u?

  14. ohhhhhh a lot of story about eunso in twitter *-*

  15. sky_H

    thanks a lot for your comment ><

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