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Posts posted by soshi_t-ara_love

  1. Core Contents Media, seriously?!?!

    you just have to add another member and change the leader status just before their 1st anniversary.

    way to go to ruin my day today.

    i don't hate Boram, as a matter of fact, i love her!. i just don't think that she's suitable to become the leader.

    and about that new member/new maknae.

    i'm not yet familiar with her, but sorry, i don't feel liking her.

    Boram and Qri doesn't have enough parts in their songs, and now you just have to add another member.

    way to go for stealing some spotlights from Boram and Qri again.

    and if you think that making Boram a leader would give her more time in the limelight, i don't think so.

    you don't have to make her a leader just to increase her parts.

    for me, T-ara will always be a 6-member group with LEADER Eunjung, Powerful Vocals Hyomin, Soyeon, and Qri, Oldest and cute Boram, and MAKNAE Jiyeon.<3

  2. i love Boram and all, but making her the new leader isn't really a plus for me.

    i mean, they should just let Eunjung be the leader, almost all T-ara fans are used to having her as the leader.

    and i also wonder if it was okay for both parties.

    i agree that it will lessen the pressure on Eunjung's part, but, she has more charisma and is more outgoing than Boram.

    don't misunderstand me, as i've said, i really, really, love Boram. she just doesn't have the leader quality, being shy and childish (in a good and cute way).

    and for Boram's part, she's really quiet and all. i wonder if she can lead T-ara like how Eunjung did.

    i like her to be the oldest yet cutest member, and not the charismatic and sexy leader. leave that to Eunjung.

    -> all that i stated above is my own opinion so please don't hate me.<3

  3. i love both groups and this news is just so depressing.

    i wish that this issue would be resolved.

    but i think that t-ara fans are absolutely right.

    no one is so certain if those people are t-ara fans or kara anti-fans.

    but, it's good to read that they still apologized even though they aren't sure yet.

    and another thing, why can't all fans be as friendly and close as their idol groups?

    i mean, almost all girl groups are getting along but why can't their fans get along too?

    they might not know it, but they may be adding up burden on their idols.

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