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Posts posted by CrzY_KidZ

  1. who cares?

    1. past is past...

    2. she's just acting... what are the haters want? an actress that can't act?

    3. she's just doing her job, job that must force her to charm the boy... what are the haters want? the one who just silent while doing her job as a charmer? lol...

    4. and the OWNING comment... one reporters got bored... well, i can't blame her, 2 weeks holiday from entertaining show makes me bored too..

    5. hope Q-ri can be famous with this article... teehee..

    q-ri jjang!!! t-ara jjang!!!

  2. my first impression...

    1st saw they @ dream concert 2009 a group of pretty girls...

    after download T.T.L... a group of pretty and talented girls...

    after download bo beep bo beep... a group of pretty, cute, and talented girls

    after download Lies... a group of pretty, cute, talented, great acting girls..

    after download T.T.L listen 2... i think i like them ♥_♥

    after download IGCBOU... t-ara is the best girl group ever..

    well, u can say it first impression, and first impression when they release song... teehee...

    just want to sharing...

  3. ah... i always re watch god of study and only watch jiyeon's part...

    1. when she hug baek hyun from behind when they want to join chun ha class..

    2. when she praying because chan doo doesn't allow she to send a positive wave..

    3. when she protecting pulip from one kid that bullying pulip..

    ah, miss that time...

    and very miss the scene where pulip throw her shoe to EunJung..

    poor leader T_T

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